Archer Academy School - East Finchley, N2
The Archer Garden and Green Arrow Garden Association (GAGA)
In 2021, I oversaw a Grange Big Local funded project - 'The Archer Garden'. I was given free rein to develop the garden for the school, allocate the budget, engage and build the community around the project. Using commercial contacts, professional knowledge, my resourceful nature, good humour and an incredible team of volunteers...The Green Arrows...we created this special wellbeing space. A project allowing me to combine my love of design, gardening and community. I had no idea that a few years on I would continue to lead the project as a volunteer developing this very special school resource. My skills have allowed me to empower others to build. Our gardens now includes a cabin, a memorial water Garden and an ice cream bike!
The gardens are used to support well-being within the school as a space where children can connect with nature, take time out, receive mentoring one on one or in small groups. A very powerful project which has created a movement of people all supporting the school, each other, the natural world and community. Proud to be a Green Arrow! Take a look at our journey ...
Thanks to carpenters Derek and Moira who built this with our donated reclaimed scaffold boards. Teamwork bought it all together.
Main garden two years on and its starting to fill out. Large workbenches made from scaffold boards and salvaged science tables give the children and volunteers great spaces to create!
Its all about enabling and inspiring - The cabin frame was built by pros but the volunteers took over to insulate, clad and fit out. External Wayne edge cladding was used to introduce a rustic material in an urban city environment.
Firmly believe the best way to lead is from the front! Setting the steels in concrete to create retaining walls.